Mending together,
Making meaning,
Never alone.

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Find Belonging

At Mending Minds we aim to build a community. 

Helping each client find a sense of accomplishment, peace, and wellness. We offer many different styles of therapy from trauma informed care to couples and families to adolescence and teens. We take great pride in being able to hold space for our clients. 

You deserve to find belonging, and we are here to support. 

“Out beyond right doing, wrong doing, shame, expectation, and fear there is an open field. I’ll meet you there.”

Maria Shriver


“As a therapist, I aim to ensure all clients and colleagues feel seen, heard, welcome, and included. I strive to have an unconditional positive regard for my clients and come from a place of acceptance and respect.”

Angie Lake

“One of my fundamental beliefs I live daily is meeting the client where they are. No matter the circumstance all humans deserve a chance to be heard and to have space held for what they are feeling.”

Kendra Jones

“I strongly believe in healing our mind and body in unison to help achieve a powerful self. We can change how we feel physically and mentally by breaking the stigmas behind their disconnections”

Brianna Garcia

“I've spent a great deal of time considering what drew me to a helping profession, evaluating my goals and purpose. I'd want those I work with to know that it is my own experiences, hardships and successes in life which have shaped my desire to serve others in their journey to emotional wellness. I hope to be present with you, in the moment and to focus on your entire well-being with treatment that honors your values.”

Ryan Johnston

“I strive to create a safe space built on trust, empathy and respect where clients can explore their challenges, uncover strengths, cultivate resilience and attain emotional wellness.”

Ashley Barton

“The mind and body are always interconnected. I believe that it is essential to wellness to stay aware of this interconnectedness without judgements or fear. I would love to spend the rest of my life helping others with their awareness while also working on mine.”

Chelsee Robinson